What are you listening to?

Here's a handful of tripppy gems from down under:

(Back in the early 00s these guys did a show in Wanganui NZ.

At the time I was around 17yo, working full time and still couldn't afford tickets, but I knew someone with an apartment right next to the stadium.

So me & near on two dozen other drunken idiots swiped a neighbours ladder—somehow maneuvered it through the apartment block up onto one of the lower roofs and from there we all climbed up to the highest roof-dragging a bunch of chairs & boxes of piss(*alcohol) with us.

We had a bloody fantastic view of the concert—lol, from behind & to the left of the stage😄-basically all we could see was the crowd facing the stage—they could also see us drunks too. I guess someone, maybe security, must've called the pigs coz they rocked up within half an hour.

Unfortunately for the pigs, we were a bunch of feral c_nts and we weren't keen on compliance or letting them climb up, and we'd already pulled the ladder onto the roof, so we proceeded to go about being smartasses, sprayin 'em with beer & throwing empty cans towards them —until the fire brigade rolled up with their ladders.

😂They might've cornered us if not for the fact they still hadn't figured out how we got up there, coz at that point they weren't aware of the ladder we'd used.

So while they were setting up their ladders, a bunch of us kept 'em distracted at their end of the apartment block—as the rest of us were at the opposite end precariously climbing down/across to a lower roof of another building....

...but by the time we all made it down to ground level we realized we actually were basically concerned.

The only apparent way out was an alleyway that comes out right where the pigs are—and they were already rushing down the alley towards us anyway, lol, we were trapped...or so some of us thought...😂 I was drunk af, I'm not gonna deny, and I was the second to last to climb down from the main roof-after which I began climbing the ~4m high stadium fence—apparently everyone followed suit and in under a minute there were almost two dozen drunken laughing idiots stumble-sprinting across the stadium field—before disappearing into the crowd....🤣gott dang it was a fun night.)

Open ended thread; what are you currently listening to, and what's your thoughts about it?

Currently listening to Ghost, after the missus turned me onto them. It's fairly accessible rock/metal, with some really catchy tunes. Normally prefer things a little heavier, but it's pretty damn good. "Rats" is an instant classic :)
Ghost is awesome! "Rats" is indeed a banger. Currently hooked on their blend of catchy tunes and theatrical vibes. Any other Ghost songs you'd recommend?
Hey, there! I'm now hooked on Ghost as well. I was introduced by a friend, and I completely see what you mean: they create a mix between accessible rock and heavy feelings. "Rats" is a great track. Even though I normally prefer harder music, Ghost's captivating songs and distinct style keep me going back for more. What other songs or bands are you into these days? We're always searching for new recommendations! 🤘🎶
I have varying tastes depending on my mood. Currently it's been either the Bastion soundtrack, Hazbin Hotel soundtrack, or just lofi

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